Barracuda Shared Mailbox and Distribution List Access

Barracuda Email Gateway Cloud has recently been updated to provide access to quarantine folders. In the past, this was not allowed since you needed to login to those mailboxes using SSO (if you implemented SSO). The new updated allows you to have an email sent to the Shared Mailbox or Distribution Group you need access to with a code that allows you to gain access.

In order to use this feature, you need to enable under Users, Quarantine Access.  Once enabled, the account will then have the ability to send those one time passwords.

Navigate to and type in the email of the shared mailbox or distribution group you are attempting to access, and click Next.

On the following page, click on the link “Email a temporary passcode”. Once clicked check your email

You should receive an email with the subject “Your temporary Email Gateway Defense passcode”. Copy the code provided in the email and return it to your web browsers.

On your web browser, type in or paste the code provided from the email and click “Log in”


Select the email you are trying to access and click Deliver. The email will now appear in your inbox.